diumenge, 15 d’agost del 2010

Thank you!!!

The view from Arthur's Seat
My “holidays” are finished and with them a dream I had many years ago came true.
They say that anything happens without reason and by chance this year that I need more than ever brackets in my daily live, things come easily to do that, so I have been three peaceful weeks, to be disconnected, for work, to meet new people, to share experiences and , of course, to improve my English in a short but intensive immersive process.
I’m happy basically I have achieved most of mine aims. I have been very lucky with my guest family because they have treated me very well. They have been very kind from the moment of my arrival, they have taken care for me always and the have made comfortable and easy accommodation in Edinburgh.
We have shared conversations and reflections with David and Lynn about a lot of things. Some times I have understood only half and another nearly all but in short and with a few of interest everything has been easy and pleasant.
This reason I want from here appreciate a lot to the McCormack all they has done.
In the same way I want to give tanks to the school because the treatment received has been excellent and not only have I improve my English but they have created a friendly atmosphere and to be sense everybody that what’s some times we forget and it’s in short all we feel as citizens of the word.

The wonderful sunset in Granton Harbour

And now life goes to back to its normal course, to the routine, to its day by day. I have still got some days to devote to my family who had to pass this test too.
It’s vey near when the machines will start to go in full speed again.
Like Machado said in his poem,

Todo pasa y todo queda
Pero lo nuestro es pasar
Pasar haciendo caminos
Caminos sobre la mar
Golpe a golpe, verso a verso…

4 comentaris:

  1. Y es que allá donde vas, nunca resultarás indiferente. Gracias les doy yo también, por haberte cuidado tan bien.

    Bienvenida a casa.

  2. Hey, darling, what a good English!!! I'm very happy about your experience and your 3 weeks of peaceful holidays. Remember them at home, once your arrive... ;-)

  3. Diuen que "ser agradecidos es de bien nacidos"

  4. Què bonica la posta de sol a Granton Harbour! M'ha recordat aquell passeig de vesprada que un dia hi vam compartir.
    De segur que les experiències viscudes aquelles tres setmanes no les esborrarà la pols del camí.
    Lots of love.
